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It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.
George Washington

Don't let schooling interfere with your education.
Mark Twain

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Election '12 Campaign Song

It has come to my attention that some of you out there intend to vote for whoever is running against Obama.  I am here to tell you that just won't cut it.  We have to put up a candidate that when he wins the White House, he WILL take back this country.  Willard "My Kids Are National Heroes For Trying to Get Me Elected" Romney is unacceptable, and we the people must let Willard and the GOP know that  we will not support him if he is the nominee.

Something to remember about the lesser of two evils is that either way, you get something evil.  Mitt Romney, or any other pseudo-conservative, will be just as bad for America as Obama.  This country is in need of some serious CPR, and we need a strong, healthy, American heart pumping the blood.  If we let the press pick our candidates again, America will cease to exist.

And there will be tears in Heaven.

This song was written when Jimmy Carter was the jerk in chief.  It seems a bit ironic that it fits so well now with our current idiot in charge.


  1. Brother, I could not agree more. Romney is UNACCEPTABLE! He is just another east coast country club blue blood RINO and I think that the people are onto his sh*t.

    If the Lickspittle Media picks A, we should automatically choose B!

    As far as I am concerned, only hardcore tried and true Conservatives need apply and if they are NOT a career politician, like Cain, that is even better.

  2. Brother, I could not agree more. Romney is UNACCEPTABLE! He is just another east coast country club blue blood RINO and I think that the people are onto his sh*t.

    If the Lickspittle Media picks A, we should automatically choose B!

    As far as I am concerned, only hardcore tried and true Conservatives need apply and if they are NOT a career politician, like Cain, that is even better.

  3. I also am not a big Romney fan, but, he is so preferable to Obama. I dont see another choice if he wins the primary, and I will vote for him. If we all dont do that and sit out the vote, we will have Obama again, and that is what the dems are counting on at this point.

  4. kc,

    Then we must not let Romney win the primary. If we all agree we will vote for whoever is running against Obama, lets get a real conservative to vote for, instead of holding our noses and voting AGAINST Obama.

  5. Ever notice C&W seems to be the only music that doesn't run down the country?

  6. Buck,

    I think thats true, but I really can't understand much of what the others are saying.

  7. Generally these things don’t happen by themselves. There are a lot of people working very hard for the candidate of their choice. If you want to effect things – find a candidate you like and get to work. Volunteer opportunities abound. Write letters to the editor of your local paper. Put up a yard sign or put a bumper sticker on your car(truck). For those in the position to do so – send money to the campaigns. A successful Democracy isn’t made up of people that aren’t involved.
